a) In close proximity to Macromedia Flash gamesGoogle says that they do not want accidental clicks on their ads but they want that users should only click on Google ads in which they’re interested. Below is the screenshot of the actual wording on their blog :
b) Under pop-ups or download prompts
c) Near site navigation controls on your pages, such as drop-downs or menu links
click on the image to enlarge
I’ll explain the 3 points in brief :1) Flash Games : As flash games requires mouse clicks, so Google warned users to place Ads in flash games as users can click on ads accidentally.
2) Downloads : You cannot put Google ads near downloads.
3) Site Navigation : You cannot put Google Ads under menu links and drop down menu.
I’ve also placed the text ads under Menu Links. I was a bit confused today what to do. Should I remove the ads or not ? I searched the Adsense blog and at last found a solution.
Solution :
The bottom line is that we are allowed to put Google ads under menu links. For example you can see Labnol and DevilsWorkshop blog.
These are the acceptable formats. Some more example of acceptable formats are :
If a drop down menu link gets over the Google ads, then its an unacceptable format of placing ad because a user can click on Ad accidentally. For more clarification have a look at the image below :